October 14, 2014

Arlene Sweeting on Retaining Our Democracy

At the ripe age of 81, Rhana Bazzini has decided to walk over 400 miles to talk about getting money out of politics. She is walking across the Sunshine State from Sarasota to Tallahassee, and people are energized to support her. Arlene Sweeting organized a kickoff event for Rhana. Arlene speaks eloquently on the subject of losing our democracy.

Jim Hightower Speaks Out in Sarasota

After losing her spouse of fifty-six years in June 2013, 81-year-old Rhana Bazzini decided it was time to take to the streets. Inspired by Granny D’s walk across the country for campaign finance reform, Rhana began planning a walk from Sarasota to Tallahassee. Her goal is to spread the word that Corporations are NOT People and Money is NOT Speech. Yesterday, Jim Hightower spoke at her kickoff event in Sarasota. He kept us all laughing about a very serious endeavor.

Rhana will be walking 10 miles a day for a total of over 400 miles. She left today from Sarasota, Florida. You can keep up with her progress on her Facebook page.