by Kim Diaz, published with permission
What is the Occupy Movement planning for the Spring?
- Fight BAC! Foreclose the Banks. Instead of letting the bank foreclose on us, we’re going to foreclose on the bank. The first nationwide actions were on March 15. Two subsequent actions are planned for April 15th and May 15th.
- Southeast Regional Convergence (SERCO). Occupiers from the southeastern US and the Caribbean will be gathering March 23-March 25 in Gainesville, Florida. The goals include coordinating on campaigns and actions across region; supporting a culture of resistance, freedom, justice, and mutual aid; and begin scaling up our community efforts as preparation for national and global assemblies; and creating structures of direct democracy over geographic distance. Throughout the Spring, there are state-wide and regional events happening all over the country.
- National Occupation of Washington, DC (NOW DC). People from across the country will gather for an American Spring in Washington, DC. Starting March 30, and continuing for a full month, NOW DC aims to unite occupations in a focused nonviolent campaign to demonstrate to elected officials in Washington, DC, and K Street and corporate interests that the people no longer trust or accept their rule, that a radical transformation to a participatory democracy operating under the rule of law is essential. Check out their calendar for updated schedules.
- May Day General Strike.Occupy organizers across the country have been mobilizing for months toward a one-day general strike in May.
- May Days 2012 in ChicagoOriginally, the G8 and NATO were going to hold simultaneous summits in Chicago this May. Occupy Chicago was ready and willing to host Occupiers from around the country to pull off the biggest occupation of a summit meeting ever. The White House ran for cover and announced their plan to move the G8 summit from Chicago to Camp David.
Diane, You are doing a great job of covering the Occupy and other political movements and actions, as well as documenting the sometimes unfortunate response from police. Thank you for all your hard work. This is an important time in our country and it helps to have articulate witnesses to it. Thanks again and keep up the great work.